
Current Series

Red Letter Challenge

What would the Body of Jesus Christ – the Christian Church – look like if every believer would take Jesus’ words, the ones that are written in red letters in Bibles, and actually put them into practice? That’s a very unoriginal idea or question that could change not just the followers of Jesus Christ but also the world in which we live. Highlighting five areas of following Jesus, we will move together in discovering what it means to be, forgive, serve, give, and go as a church called Faith, Oakville.


Habakkuk was a praying prophet who dared to ask the difficult questions. The main question this book asks is, "How can God use a wicked nation such as Babylon for His Divine Purpose?" Lent is the perfect time to ask difficult questions as we attempt to understand God's Will and His ways.

This is the Bible

In the series we will uncover the amazing origins of this book, and explore some tough questions. We hope you will grow to appreciate, understand, and apply this amazing gift from God to your life.

Christmas Eve

As we gather today, our goal is to point to Jesus - the Savior of the world. Join in as we sing and celebrate the birth of the Savior of the World - Jesus.

This is Jesus

Christmas originated with the celebration of Christ’s birthday and He is the reason for the season. But what is the truth about Jesus? We will tackle this question and more during this series.


The NEXT Campaign is a three-year spiritual journey seeking the heart of God by answering the question, “What’s next for Faith in reaching this generation and generations to come?” Visit our NEXT website.


Life is messy. How do we address this, deal with it, and attempt to break through to experience forgiveness and freedom from the messes we have made? 


Through the chapters of Acts we witness the Holy Spirit working in and through a plethora of multi-faceted characters. How might the Holy Spirit be working through us? In us?

Who Cares?

This series will also give us an opportunity to unfold our pathway of care at our sites – how care happens at Faith and among our regular attenders and members.  

What's On Your Mind?

We learn what a refugee is, what they’ve gone through to get here, and what role we as Christians can play in impacting refugees here in the Greater Saint Louis area.


He is Risen! On this Easter morning we celebrate the freedom that the resurrection brings.
