
Current Series

Live Love & Life

Happy New Year! As we begin 2025, we are kicking off January with our Live, Love & Life message series focusing on three special weekend worship services. 

JANUARY 5 - Living in the LightIt’s Epiphany! “The Light has come” to all the world - The Gentile Christmas

JANUARY 12 - Loving One Another: Pastor Gerard and our Bethlehem family will join us for worship

JANUARY 19 - Life Sunday: We will welcome our community partner, the Pregnancy Help Center of South County

Next Steps

What would the Church of Jesus Christ at Faith Oakville look like if the Holy Spirit truly renewed and revived us? What would taking the 'Next Step' look like? During this six-week series, we will attempt to paint a biblical picture of a church that is taking the 'Next Step' to trust in God above all things.

Tis the Season to

As you ready yourself to enter into another Christmas season, what attitude do you bring with it? Is there excitement, joy, and anticipation? Or is there a sense of dread, sadness, worry, or fear? Advent means “coming” and it gives us an opportunity to focus on Christ’s coming, first as a baby born in Bethlehem, but also reflecting on the promise that Christ will one day return.

Made for More

The Church is the largest and most effective volunteer mobilizer on the planet! What other organization mobilizes as many people for service on a daily basis? Even when we understand this incredible potential, something still feels off. Why is it that many of God’s people are still sitting on the sidelines? Certainly, the Church and its people are designed and Made for More


Big Questions

It’s no surprise that Jesus used lots of questions to teach his disciples - and us! What questions do you have for God? What questions are people asking today? Are we prepared to answer? How can we answer those questions with discernment and truth, and without judgment?

At the Movies: with the Family

There is nothing like the power of hearing or watching a good story unfold, especially when it’s a movie that etches images and memories into our minds. Some of us have memories of movies that effectively catapult us into the past, the future, or even the reality of the struggles and hassles we feel each day in the present. This year, we are revisiting some of the stories shared in movies and how they connect to biblical truths.

God’s New Blessing or Man’s New Idol?

How we live out our lives either worships God, something or someone else, or even ourselves. When God is worshipped, He is glorified, and it is for our good. When we put ourselves or something else first instead of God, God isn't glorified, and it is to our harm.

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