The Gospel According To
FAITH COLUMBIA: In this series, The Gospel According To___________, we will seek to hear and identify with the Gospel while we uncover, expose, and learn how to combat the false gospels in our life.
What would the Body of Jesus Christ – the Christian Church – look like if every believer would take Jesus’ words, the ones that are written in red letters in Bibles, and actually put them into practice? That’s a very unoriginal idea or question that could change not just the followers of Jesus Christ but also the world in which we live. Highlighting five areas of following Jesus, we will move together in discovering what it means to be, forgive, serve, give, and go as a church called Faith, Oakville.
FAITH COLUMBIA: In this series, The Gospel According To___________, we will seek to hear and identify with the Gospel while we uncover, expose, and learn how to combat the false gospels in our life.
In this series, we will focus on how our worship is not limited to sitting in the seats on Sundays. Worship cannot be neatly confined to discrete times or places; nor can it be limited to a specific aspect of our lives. Worship is holistic; it is reflected in all we do and all we are.
FAITH COLUMBIA: We're in this together! That statement is one that lets us know we aren't alone, that others feel what we are feeling, and that others are experiencing what we are experiencing. As the people of God, we often feel isolated and alone, but that is not how God intends for us to live.
During the month of September, we will focus on what God is doing around the world and closer to home in our city. Each week we will focus on one of Faith's mission partners and discover how we can make an impact.
Ah…movies from the eighties! So many classic movies were made during this decade. During this five-week summer series, we will have some fun highlighting classic movies that offer memorable teachable lessons about the realities of life.
The term Babylon is synonymous with a “pagan” culture, or non-Christian territory. Babylon in the O.T. was considered the enemy, the people who defeated the Israelites and made them exiles in a strange and foreign land that was not their home. In the same way, Christian believers who desire to live as children of God are feeling the effects of living in a changing post-Christian, even anti-Christian America.
This series focuses on relationships, the one area of our lives that provides the most joy or heartache. Whether you’re single or married, relationships can be difficult. In this series, our focus will be on all types of relationships: those within a marriage, in singleness, and in friendships. We’ll also discuss what it means to fight fairly and communicate effectively in relationships. Ephesians 5 serves as a foundational chapter for this series.
Each Wednesday morning, we'll be sharing some worship songs and devotions. Watch your email and Faith Oakville's Facebook page each Wednesday morning for new content.
Parents, we want to help your kids follow Jesus no matter what day of the week it is. Mid-week Faith Kids videos will walk alongside Quick Connect devotions for adults. Watch for new content each Wednesday on Faith Kids Facebook page.