Worship With All
With All My Mind
When Jesus was asked, "What's the greatest commandment of all?” He answered. It's this, "Love the Lord your God with ALL you heart, soul, mind, and strength. . ." This is worshipping God with ALL we are, all we have. . .ALL. Today Pastor John focuses on what it means to worship or love the Lord with ALL our mind. What's on your mind? What kind of mind do you bring into worship this day, whether you are sitting on a couch watching online or joining others in a worship community. May God open our minds to hear and understand!
Series Information

In this series, we will focus on how our worship is not limited to sitting in the seats on Sundays. Worship cannot be neatly confined to discrete times or places; nor can it be limited to a specific aspect of our lives. Worship is holistic; it is reflected in all we do and all we are.