The Gospels - Matthew Mark
What Soil are You?
Today, Seminarian Jacob Scherler discusses the parable of the Sower. Parables are teaching metaphors that Jesus used to illustrate points of his teachings. Who is the Sower in this parable? What is He doing? Where is He doing it? Why did he teach it, and what is our role in it? Let’s talk about it.
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read Mark 4:1-9, 13-20 with someone or everyone in your home.
2. Have someone retell the passage in their own words.
3. List out the four kinds of soil. Then, give examples of how you’ve seen this in the lives of others.
4. Good soil means that you accept God’s Word and put it into practice. What makes this challenging for you?
5. Can you share the seed of God’s love and good news with someone in your life? Who? Close in prayer for that person.
For Families with Kids
1. Read Mark 4:3-8 with your family. The NIRV is a great version to use because the language is simple.
2. Retell the passage in your own words and explain the meaning of the parable to your children.
3. Ask, “Who is someone you can tell about Jesus this week?”
Bonus Activity: Plant the seeds you were given at church today in a pot in your house! As the plant grows, remind your children that just as this plant grows with the help of soil, sunlight, and water, our faith grows and gets stronger as we hear God’s Word and trust in Him!
To find out more and download the reading plan visit:
Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?