End Times
What is the Rapture?
What is the rapture? Well according to most media it is a frightening, cataclysmic event, the kind that is only survived by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his immediate friends and family. But, while that makes for some good special effects in the movies, it probably is not the most faithful way to think of the rapture. As we talk about the rapture, let’s admit that it is all about the assumption you make. As we talk about the rapture, I would like you to make an assumption. What’s the assumption? Let’s talk about it.
Series Information

Are we actually living in the last days? Are there signs we should look for? How do I know if I’m ready? Who or what is the anti-Christ? The rapture? The millennium? Why does evil seem to be growing all around me?” This message series takes a deeper dive into biblical texts that help answer these questions.