End Times
What are the Signs of Christ’s Coming?
Last week we kicked off a new series titled End Times. We’re highlighting specific Biblical texts that answer questions people potentially have about Christ’s return and the end of all things. Questions like: Are we living in the last days? What is the tribulation? The final judgment? Who or what is the anti-Christ? And what is the millennium or the rapture? And today, our focus is on the signs to look for that signal that Jesus is coming soon. For the next weeks, we will look at Matthew 24-25 which is traditionally called The Olivet Discourse, because it was shared by Jesus while on the Mount of Olives and is one of the most in-depth teachings on the End Times.
Series Information

Are we actually living in the last days? Are there signs we should look for? How do I know if I’m ready? Who or what is the anti-Christ? The rapture? The millennium? Why does evil seem to be growing all around me?” This message series takes a deeper dive into biblical texts that help answer these questions.