Joining Jesus
We Can Do This...Together!
Today Pastor John closes out our series Joining Jesus on His Mission. While we might be closing out the message series, we are just beginning to learn what it means to join in the journey of following Jesus and what He is moving us to do for the growth of His kingdom. What will sustain us in this journey? Will attending occasional worship services inspire us and keep us intentionally focused on His mission? Probably not! Early church history reveals some strategic approaches we can learn from. Our challenge is to remain “connected”, not only with Christ, but also with His people - usually a small group of people. Let’s discover the benefits and blessings of joining Jesus with the help of a few friends.
Series Information

God wants His people to truly become “laborers in God’s vineyard”. This five-week message series will focus on Greg Finke’s book Joining Jesus on His Mission, which will introduce the practices (or rhythms) of Joining Jesus on His Mission.