There is an Enemy
Ever heard the phrase, "The devil made me do it”? It’s usually said as an excuse for doing something bad. In response, we can either (1) assume they are being truthful and they have no responsibility for what they did, or (2) assume that there is no devil and have no grace with the person. But could there be truth on both sides? Could there be a devil AND someone be held accountable for their mistake? Let’s talk about it.
For Adult Homes and Groups
1. Ask the group… Have you ever watched a movie or read a book that had a satanic or demonic element to the plot? If so, share with the group the overall story.
2. How did you feel after watching the movie or reading the book? Did any part of it scare you? If so, what aspect of it was scary to you and why?
3. Read the scriptures that were handed out with the message (or download them here). How do these scriptures confirm your fears? Discuss how these scriptures combat our fears.
4. Ask the group if there is anyone who is dealing with any specific darkness in their life right now. Take time to pray over and with that person and for God to defend the person in whatever battle they are facing.
For Families with Kids
1. Read Psalm 18:30 with your family.
2. Have everyone share about a lie they have believed.
3. Sometimes, believing lies causes fear. For example, you might wrongly believe there is a monster under the bed, or that if you mess up while giving a speech, everyone will laugh at you. The devil wants us to believe those lies, but God’s Word shows us the truth! Can you think of a Bible verse or story that helps you fight fear?
4. Bonus Activity: This week, play a game of flashlight tag! Afterwards, discuss Psalm 119:105. How is God’s Word like a light?
Series Information

Need a restart, a jumpstart, or maybe a new start? This message is for you! If you have been feeling “stuck” in your relationship with God, isolated from people for too long, or needing to be inspired by the fact that God is still moving in our midst, then these messages will apply to you.