Lazarus Life
The Voice of Love - Columbia
Three words. They made all the difference in Lazarus’ life. They transformed him from lifeless, helpless, and trapped in a tomb into a new life of freedom. All it took was three words. Today, as we continue our journey through the story of Lazarus, we consider what was so amazing about those words. It wasn’t a magic phrase; it was the voice that spoke them. It was the voice of love, calling out to Lazarus, transforming him from death to life. That same voice can bring transformation in our lives as well, and move us from death to life, bringing freedom in our daily life where we work, live, and play.
Series Information

Life. Who doesn’t want to experience a life that is filled with meaning, joy, happiness, significance, and fulfillment? Jesus told us He came that we might have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).