The Road from Emmaus
The Road from Emmaus
This recording by Luke is very insightful for our lives today as Christ Followers. We always look for Jesus in the BIG things…the spectacular…the miraculous signs. But these two disciples saw Jesus in the simple breaking of a hunk of bread from the full loaf. Yes, Jesus did some spectacular things. But most often, He was seen by His followers in the simple way(s) He reached out to people and in the sharing of the life-changing Gospel. Where are you looking for Jesus?
Series Information

FAITH COLUMBIA: This recording by Luke is very insightful for our lives today as Christ Followers. We always look for Jesus in the BIG things…the spectacular…the miraculous signs. But these two disciples saw Jesus in the simple breaking of a hunk of bread from the full loaf. Yes, Jesus did some spectacular things. But most often, He was seen by His followers in the simple way(s) He reached out to people and in the sharing of the life-changing Gospel. Where are you looking for Jesus?