Story Time
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37
Today’s story (or parable) just might be the most popular parable Jesus ever told. It’s the parable of the Good Samaritan. The term “Good Samaritan” is synonymous with being a good neighbor, a helpful person who comes along and saves you. Christian ministries have taken on this name that connotes a ministry of compassion and care. Do we really understand the story or its meaning and application? May the Holy Spirit give us a fresh understanding of an ancient story.
Series Information

Jesus was a master storyteller. He used simple word pictures, in what we call parables, to teach profound spiritual lessons. The stories He told spoke of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, persistence in prayer, humility, being ready for Christ’s return, handling God’s resources, and receiving God’s love, as well as many other topics.