The Gospels - Matthew Mark
The Doorkeeper
Ever fallen asleep on the job or in class? How about church? Ever fallen asleep in church? (Actually, I know the answer to that one.) Sometimes we fall asleep even when we want to stay awake. And we do want to stay awake, especially since Jesus tells us in our parable for today to "Stay awake.” So I want to help us to stay awake by providing a couple of reasons why we should. Much like the doorkeeper in the text for today, we can stay awake because either (1) we fear who is coming to the door or (2) we are excited about who is coming to the door. But I think it should be both, so let’s talk about it.
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read Mark 13:32-37
2. Tell a time that somebody walked through a door, and you were either excited for them to come or fearful.
3. Are you nervous for Jesus’ return? If so, why?
4. How could you explain to someone that they can be excited for Jesus’ return?
5. The pandemic has led us to be disconnected from a lot of people we used to see regularly. Who is one person you can invite through your door for conversation? Reach out to that person and invite
them to dinner or coffee.
For Families with Kids
1. Read Mark 13:35-37 with your family.
2. Have everyone in your family share about a time when they were very excited to see someone.
3. Say, “When we go to church we are spending time with God and with other people in God’s family. Do you get excited to go to church? Why?”
4. Bonus activity: Send a card to someone you miss and include a favorite Bible verse.
To find out more and download the reading plan visit:
Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?