All I want for Christmas
Someone to surprise me
This weekend we begin the Advent season with a new message series, "All I want for Christmas.” During this series, we will be looking at the scripture from Isaiah 9 where the Messiah is called a “Wonderful counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. And Prince of Peace.” All are things we need… and maybe even want. And today we are looking specifically at the word “Wonderful," talking about “All I want for Christmas is someone to surprise me.” What would it take for someone to surprise you this Christmas? What would a wonderful surprise look like? Let’s talk about it.
Series Information

What do you want for Christmas? Depending on the season of life, people can answer this question very differently. Now, what about this question... “What do you NEED for Christmas?” Different answer probably. Our wants are often very different from our needs. Wants can actually even blind us to our true needs.