All I want for Christmas
Someone to Advise Me
What do you want for Christmas this year? Perhaps better stated, what do you need for Christmas this year? In reality, the things we most need can’t be bought with money, like joy, peace, happiness, prosperity, or love (and especially God’s love). Today Pastor John continues our message series by focusing on God’s promise to meet our real needs — by giving us a Child, His Son, a Savior, a Rescuer, Wonderful, a Counselor — Someone to advise me. May the Holy Spirit impart each of us with His Wisdom this day!
Series Information

What do you want for Christmas? Depending on the season of life, people can answer this question very differently. Now, what about this question... “What do you NEED for Christmas?” Different answer probably. Our wants are often very different from our needs. Wants can actually even blind us to our true needs.