Romans - Part 2
Romans - Chapter 3, Verses 21-31
Paul’s letter to the church in Rome changes in this text. It goes from a condemning letter: “and God Gave Them Over…” to introducing the word ‘grace’ to the readers. It is clear from this portion of the letter that Faith in God and grace from God overcome our natural response to earn a right relationship with God.
Series Information

FAITH COLUMBIA: Romans is powerful, life-changing, and profound. We’ve begun our deep dive into Romans and discovered just how bad sin is and how it has corrupted us. We’ve seen how far from God we really are. But in part 2 of our Romans journey, we make a turn. We begin to uncover God’s response to our sinful and broken state. We catch a glimpse of the power and beauty of the Good News for all people. In this section, we will cover chapters 4 and 5 as we look at God’s response to our problem.