Romans - Part I
Romans - Chapter 3, Verses 1-9a
What God wants matters. Today we dive into the beginning of Chapter 3 and ask ourselves the question: What does God want for us? Together, we dive into the Apostle Paul sharing about God’s faithfulness and how God desires that we know Him.
Series Information

FAITH COLUMBIA: One book in the New Testament is credited for turning the soul of Augustine “upside-down.” The same book warmed the heart of John Wesley towards conversion. The very same book also turned a German monk, Martin Luther, from searching for assurance of his salvation to confidently declaring, “When I understood this text, the doors of paradise swung open, and I walked through.” This powerful, life-changing and profound book has been nicknamed “The Gospel According to Paul” but is better known as simply the book of Romans. Together we’re going to dig deep into Romans and mine out this beautiful letter that shows us the power and beauty of the Good News for all people. In this first series of three over the next couple years, we’ll focus on the gravity of sin and the depth of our declared righteousness in Jesus.