In this series, my eyes have been opened to what the Sabbath is. It is not merely showing up to worship on a Sunday, although that’s part of it. It’s resting - resting from work and the grind of everyday life. Come this Sunday and hear Pastor John Bush recap what we’ve learned and also challenge us to change…to be better sabbathers.
Series Information

FAITH COLUMBIA: What is the Sabbath? If we know anything, the majority of us know the Sabbath of something Jews do, or we reference it in with our weekly worship attendance. “God made sabbath for man,” these words of Jesus point us to the reality that sabbath is not a set of rules that we follow or even something that we MUST do, instead it’s a gift from God for man. Join us over the next 4 weeks as Pastor Jon shares his personal journey of sabbath, and we learn more about the amazing gift of God while being challenged to pursue sabbath in our own lives.