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New Years Day 2023

Jan 01, 2023 | Pastor Brandon Boos

New Years Day - How Can I Change?

When we look around at the culture we live in, we see a lot of anger and polarization. How can the truth of the Gospel break into a culture that casts so much doubt on any claim to truth? How can the Gospel transform our own lives as we are bombarded with these messages from culture? This week, we will dive into the Biblical principles for growing in Christ. We will also acknowledge why understanding our cultural context matters for growing in faith.


Romans 12:2 2


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


For Adult Homes and Groups


1. Observe - Read Romans 12:2 (NIV) and identify a few “patterns of the world” that you believe are common even within the church.

2. Reflect - Take a few minutes to reflect personally on which of these patterns you find yourself conforming to?

3. Discuss - Share with the group one of these areas.

4. Plan - By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind. What steps will you take this week?

5. Account - Identify a person who will walk alongside you as you grow in this area.

6. Act - Pray for each person in the group as you set out to grow this week.


For Families with Kids


1. Read Romans 12:2 with your family.

2. Can you name five traits God wants us to have as Christians? For example, you may look at the 10 commandments, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Sermon on the Mount, etc. Write down the five traits!

3. For younger kids: What are the opposites of those traits? For older kids: Think about the traits you picked. How do you see those traits being shown in your favorite tv show? What about at school?

4. God’s way is always better than the ways of the world! What are two ways we can learn more about God’s truth?

Series Information

When we look around at the culture we live in, we see a lot of anger and polarization. How can the truth of the Gospel break into a culture that casts so much doubt on any claim to truth? How can the Gospel transform our own lives as we are bombarded with these messages from culture?