Jesus’ Transfiguration
Our focus during this series titled Pivot has been on the many pivotal moments in Jesus life, eventually leading up to the cross and His resurrection. Today is no different. As we read in the Gospel accounts, Jesus takes His disciples up on a high mountain where they experience a fascinating supernatural moment! Not only does God the Father speak up (again), but we also read of Moses and Elijah (long dead!) appearing with Jesus and talking. This is truly a mountain top experience! What could this event possibly mean for us today? May the Holy Spirit open our eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to perceive these truths today.
Series Information

Life is full of twists, turns, and Pivots that often signal a change of direction or a new chapter in our lives. During our six-week Lenten journey on Sunday mornings, we will highlight a number of Pivots in Jesus’ life and discuss what they mean for Christians today.