The Gospels - Luke John
Jesus the Healer
Dear God, are you willing? Are you willing to heal me, to provide for me, to reveal what’s next for me? Are you willing?” Have you ever desperately prayed that prayer to God? As we continue in our journey through the New Testament, we have reached the Gospel of Luke where a sick leper approaches Jesus and asks a similar question, “Jesus, if you are willing you can make me clean.” Perhaps today is the day to come seeking, asking, pleading with God for His provision, protection, or even the miracle of healing. "Oh, Lord...may Your Kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read Luke 5:12-16 together and have someone restate the story in their own words. What leaps out at you? What questions do you have?
2. How would you describe the man’s attitude toward Jesus? Jesus’ attitude toward the man with leprosy?
3. Are there areas where you want to ask Jesus for healing for yourself or others?
4. Sometimes God’s healing takes on a different form than what we are specifically asking for. Share a time when you have seen or experienced this in your own life.
5. What can we hold onto when God’s healing doesn’t look like we wanted?
6. Take some time to pray for someone who needs God’s healing.
Families with Kids
1. Read Luke 5:12-16 with your family.
2. In your own words, explain to your children what a leper is. Then have everybody in your family share about a time when Jesus healed them.
3. Ask, “Jesus helps us by healing us physically, but what is another way that Jesus helps us?”
4. Bonus Activity: Think of someone in your life that needs healing. Pray for them with your children. Try to pray for that person every day this week.
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Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?
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