The Gospels - Matthew Mark
Jesus’ Authority Challenged
The discussion about “authority” isn’t exactly a popular one these days. Unfortunately, many of us have experienced poor examples of someone who is in authority over us. As a result, many have been wounded or hurt by those who have abused their position over us. As we are reading through the Gospels, we have come to a period in Jesus’ ministry when the religious leader (authorities) are challenging Jesus’ authority. Today Pastor John not only attempts to define what authority is and the importance of being “under the cover” of those in authority, but also why having Jesus as your Ultimate Authority provides the best assurance of protection and freedom.
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read Matthew 21:23-27 with someone or everyone in your home.
2. Have someone retell the passage in their own words.
3. What can Bible readers know today that the chief priests and the elders in Jesus’ day didn’t know? (See Matthew 28:18)
4. What authority do you find it difficult to submit to? (Government, parents, pastors, teachers, God’s Word?) Is there any sin that you might be led to confess?
5. What does this passage say about Jesus or the Gospel?
6. What is God’s Word prompting you to put into practice this week, and how will you do it?
7. Pray together.
For Families with Kids
1. Read Matthew 28:18 with your children.
2. Ask, “Who gave Jesus His authority, and what did He do with
His authority?”
3. Say, “We can trust and obey Jesus because He is God the Son! What are some things that Jesus has told us to do?”
Bonus Activity: Play a game of Simon Says with your family. If you’d like to make the game more challenging, play a version called, “Do What I Say, Not What I Do.” In this version, the leader gives typical Simon Says commands, but simultaneously does motions that do not match their commands.
To find out more and download the reading plan visit:
Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?