Big Questions
Is Religion the Answer?
Have you ever wondered why there are so many religions? How can we know which one has the right answers? Today, Pastor Brandon and guest, Pastor Josh Wilder, turn to scripture to see how Jesus addressed the religions of His day and how we can talk about faith in Jesus in a culture that has an increasingly negative perspective of religion. Pastor Josh comes from the most unchurched city in America (Portland) and his perspective may surprise you.
For Adult Homes and Groups
1. Read Matthew 23 and discuss the questions below.
2. Why do you think our culture has an increasingly negative perspective of religion and does the Christian Church bear some responsibility?
3. In what ways do Christians (like the Pharisees) fall into making our faith more about religious practices than about a relationship with Jesus and loving others?
4. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection mean that the answers to our deepest questions of life are found in Him. In light of this, what attitudes, habits, or practices is God calling you to reevaluate in light of the relationship He wants to have with you?
For Families with Kids
1. As a family, read and memorize Matthew 23:12: Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
2. Ever had a moment where you thought you could do something better than someone else, but then failed at it? If so, how did that make you feel, and what did you learn about yourself?
3. In contrast, was there ever something you thought you wouldn’t be good at but you actually were? How did you feel, and what did you learn about yourself?
4. Recalling those moments, where do you see Jesus at work in them?
5. Jesus calls us to lift others up before ourselves; Christ humbled Himself on the cross for our sins and now rules over all of us with love. Pray that the Holy Spirit blesses you with humility to worship Jesus above all things, consider other peoples’ needs first, and entrust yourself to Him.
Series Information

It’s no surprise that Jesus used lots of questions to teach his disciples - and us! What questions do you have for God? What questions are people asking today? Are we prepared to answer? How can we answer those questions with discernment and truth, and without judgment?