Idol Thoughts - Oakville
Acts 19:11-41
Author David Powlison helps to prepare our hearts for today’s message. He writes, “That most basic question which God poses to each human heart is: ‘Has something or someone besides Jesus the Christ taken title to your heart’s functional trust, preoccupation, loyalty, service, fear, and delight? To whom or what do you look for life-sustaining stability, security, and acceptance?...What do you really want and expect [out of life]? What would [really] make you happy? What would make you an acceptable person? Where do you look for power and success?’ These questions or similar ones tease out whether we serve God or idols, whether we look for salvation from Christ or from false saviors.”
Series Information

Through the chapters of Acts we witness the Holy Spirit working in and through a plethora of multi-faceted characters. How might the Holy Spirit be working through us? In us?