How Long, Lord? - Oakville
Habakkuk 1:1-11
Today we’re kicking off a new message series called Habakkuk:Trusting God in Confusing Times. Would you agree that we live in confusing times? What’s right is often considered wrong; what’s wrong is often portrayed as right. Injustice, infighting, ongoing wars, terrorism, corruption at the highest levels, sexual harassment...all have become commonplace. If there is a God, how long will He appear to comfortably sit back and do nothing? How long, Lord? These are the very questions Habakkuk asks of God. Perhaps you do as well!
Series Information

Habakkuk was a praying prophet who dared to ask the difficult questions. The main question this book asks is, "How can God use a wicked nation such as Babylon for His Divine Purpose?" Lent is the perfect time to ask difficult questions as we attempt to understand God's Will and His ways.