End Times
How Do We Wait for Christ’s Return?
In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples are with Him in Jerusalem when He looks up at all the massive buildings that surround the temple, and then He makes a prediction. Everything will be destroyed. The disciples get Jesus to a private place and then ask, “When will this happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Jesus’ answer has been called The Olivet Discourse which is the largest section of teachings from Jesus concerning the end times. Pastor John focuses on two questions Jesus addresses: When will the end come? How do we wait for it in the meantime?
Series Information

Are we actually living in the last days? Are there signs we should look for? How do I know if I’m ready? Who or what is the anti-Christ? The rapture? The millennium? Why does evil seem to be growing all around me?” This message series takes a deeper dive into biblical texts that help answer these questions.