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Christ in Christmas Movies

Dec 08, 2024 | Pastor John Brunette

Hope: It’s a Wonderful Life

Today, Pastor John looks through the lens of the oldest movie in our message series, titled It’s a Wonderful Life. It was released in 1946. There are some wonderful themes woven throughout this movie - the joy of the Christmas season, new life, dreams had, dreams broken, and the sorrows that result from a sin-broken world. Through the darkness and despair felt in the movie, the light appears. God has not abandoned George Bailey (or us!). May this movie from yesteryear refresh our understanding of the good news of great joy offered through the baby born in Bethlehem!



For Adult Homes, Groups, and Families with Kids

1. Opening Icebreaker: What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Why? 

2. Read Psalm 13. It’s assumed this Psalm was written while David hid in a cave. What cave-like (dark) experiences can you relate to from David’s inspired words? Have you been able to move to the proclamation of God’s grace included in verses 5-6? If not, why not? 

3. Read 1 Kings 19:4. How would you counsel someone who expressed to you they were having thoughts of ending their life? What tactics might the evil one use to convince someone their life was not worth living? (What did he use with George Bailey?)

4. Read Matthew 10:29-30. You matter to God! Why are these words so important to know, believe, and experience through others? 

5. In the final scene of It’s a Wonderful Life the townspeople come together to pay off George’s debt, love on him, and celebrate the Christmas joy. How can we, as individuals or groups, support and love on someone this season who desperately needs to hear the good news of great joy? 



For Families with Kids

1. Read and memorize Romans 5:5. What do you think it means that “hope does not put us to shame?”

2. Imagine you’re waiting to open a special gift. What kind of hope do you have that it will arrive? How is that like the hope followers have in Jesus?

3. Read Psalm 33:22. What is the connection between God’s love and 

our hope?

4. When you feel down, what are some things you can do to remind yourself of your hope in Jesus? How can we show/give hope to others?

5. Take time this week and find a promise that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John that gives you hope for the future. Write it down and put it up somewhere in your home where everyone will see it multiple times each day.

Series Information