The Gospels - Luke John
Gospels - Worship
Today we are looking at John 4 when Jesus talks to the woman at the well. And in the dialogue, Jesus and her discuss worship, and Jesus specifically talks about three things in verses 21-23: (1) where we worship, (2) what we worship, and (3) how we worship. But we can’t talk about this stuff without also addressing one other thing, “What does it even mean to worship something?” Let’s talk about it.
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read John 4:1-30, 39-42
2. What would you say is one of the most valuable items in your house? Is this valuable item something that is under lock and key or is it available for other people to experience and enjoy?
3. Our word for worship comes from an old Saxon word which can be transliterated as “worth-ship.” To worship something is “to recognize the value” of it. How does this hold true for people who worship God?
4. In what ways did the woman at the well recognize Jesus’ worth? In what ways did she not, at least not right away?
5. Although she may not have fully understood Jesus’ worth right away, what did she immediately do? What can we learn from her?
Families with Kids
1. Read John 4:23-30 together.
2. Have everyone share what item in your house is the most valuable, or important, and why.
3. Ask, “what is one reason that Jesus is important to us?”
4. Reread John 4: 28-29. Ask, “what did the woman in this passage do once she realized Jesus’ worth?”
5. Bonus Activity: Worship isn’t just for Sundays! One time this week, listen to your kid’s favorite worship song together.
Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?
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