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Christ in Christmas Movies

Dec 29, 2024 | Pastor Tony Boos

Faith: Elf

Who doesn’t love Buddy, the Elf?! This movie helps us realize that believing in someone involves knowing the truth about that person. Buddy is sent into a world far different from the North Pole to bring his faith or belief in Santa that will ultimately save Christmas for his biological father and the rest of New York! This movie also helps us ask some questions about God. How do I get from God’s “naughty list” to God’s good list a.k.a., “the Book of life”? What happens when we truly know God and His son Jesus? 



For Adult Homes and Groups

1. Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper from top to bottom. Write “What you were” on the top of one half and “Who you are” on the top of the other half. Now, read Ephesians chapter 2 together. As you read, make a list of what St. Paul says “we were” and who he says “we are” now.

2. What do the lists you made mean for our lives of faith, our relationship with God, and our relationships with one another?

3. Who do you know that needs to be reminded of this Good News of grace and faith? Who has never heard it? Share with one another.


For Families with Kids

1. Take time this week to watch the movie Elf. How does Buddy instill a sense of belief and child-like (not childish) faith in those he meets?

2. How is Santa’s book of those who are “naughty” and “nice” similar to and different from God’s book of life and God’s book of judgment? (Read Revelation 20:11-15.)

3. How do you know for sure that you are in God’s book of life? (Read Ephesians 2:8-10 and Romans 6:1-10.) What does Baptism and Faith mean for your life with God?

4. What are some ways you can recognize and acknowledge your baptism birthday as much as your physical birthday?

Series Information