Easter 2022
Easter: Christ Revealed
Read Luke 8:17: For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed; nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Have you ever had a problem where the cause went undetected or unknown for a while? What type of problem was it… physical, technical, household, etc.? Although you might not have had the solution yet, how did you feel after the cause/source was found?
2. Once the solution to your problem was found, did you immediately know what the solution would be? How long did you have to wait before the problem was fully resolved?
3. Have you ever had a problem that affected you spiritually? How long did you live with the problem?
4. How was that “spiritual problem” impacted by the resurrection of Jesus? In what ways has the problem been resolved already, and in what ways will it be resolved more fully when Christ returns?
5. Pray with someone about a problem that is affecting them spiritually, reminding them of the hope they can have because of that first Easter.
Families with Kids
1. Have everyone share one of the best hiding spots they’ve used during hide and seek.
2. God’s plan to save us by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins is something He’d always planned, but the disciples didn’t know that! How do you think life was different for the disciples once they realized what Jesus did for them?
3. Who is someone you know that doesn’t know Jesus? Could you share what God has done for them?
4. Bonus Activity: Fill some Easter eggs with Bible verses and hide them around the house. As your children find them, read them out loud and discuss them. Some good example verses are John 3:16, 1 John 4:9-10, Romans 8:38-39, Isaiah 54:10, and Romans 5:8.
Series Information