Angel Encounters
Angels Everywhere
Happy Advent! Yes, we have entered into the season before Christmas; a season of preparation, a season that allows us to focus on the celebration of the Christ-child and even some of the unique aspects of the Christmas account we find in the gospels. Our focus this month on Sundays in the Advent season, and even on Sunday, Christmas Day, will be on the Angel Encounters we find throughout the Christmas Story. Today my goal is to give an overview of angels in the Bible. We are certainly surrounded by images of angels during this season, Christmas tree ornaments of angels on trees, and angels in our yards, we sing songs and hymns about the angels. In so many ways we encounter angels during the Advents/Christmas season. But let me ask you, How many of you have seen or encountered an angel, or do you know someone who might have had the encounter?
For Adult Homes and Groups
1. Have you or anyone you know experienced a time in your life when you felt God’s angels were working overtime?
2. Testing your knowledge about Angels (true or false):
a. Angels are human beings that have died and gone to heaven. (See Colossians 1:16; Genesis 2:1)
b. Angels sang at Jesus' birth. (See Luke 2:13)
c. Every Christian has been assigned a guardian angel. (See Psalm 91:11; Hebrews 1:14; Matthew 10:18)
3. How was Jesus, a man, made a “little lower” than angels, and yet worshipped by angels? (See Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 1:5-6)
4. What should you do if you encounter an angel? (See Hebrews 3:1-2)
5. Which part of the “good news” message the angels proclaimed that first Christmas most resonates with you today? (See Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:10)
For Families with Kids
1. Have everyone share what they believe an angel is, and what they do.
2. Many people from the Bible encountered angels. One example is in the book of Luke. Read Luke 2:8-15.
3. What job did the angels in this passage have?
4. How would you have reacted if you were a shepherd in the fields that night?
5. Bonus activity: this Advent season, be on the lookout for angels depicted in decorations, movies, songs, etc. Point them out when you see them and discuss how they are like the angels we read about in the Bible, and how they are different.
Series Information

What do we know about angels? Are they roaming among us today? The angels were busy leading up to, during, and even after the birth of Christ. Angels appear to always come with a message, usually meant for one person or a specific group of people.