The Gospels - Luke John
A sinner is saved!
Some of you who learned about Jesus as a child might remember the song, "Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see. And as the Lord passed by that way He looked up in the tree, and he said, 'Zacchaeus you come down, For I'm going to your house today! For I'm going to your house today!'" That about sums up the story we focus on this morning. While the story appears to be mostly about Zacchaeus, it really is a story that teaches us about Jesus - His love and grace for sinful people - not only the Zacchaeus’ of this world but each of us who long to be saved and forgiven in God’s sight.!
For Adult Homes or Groups
1. Read Luke 19:1-9.
2. Describe your high and low point for the week.
3. Zacchaeus was negatively viewed in his culture because he was a chief tax collector. Tax collectors were known to cheat people out of their money. If you were Zacchaeus, how would you feel if Jesus asked to come to your house? Why?
4. What inspired Zacchaeus to reconcile with the people he cheated, and what inspires you to reconcile to others?
5. Why was Jesus able to say, “Today salvation has come to this house.”?
6. Is there someone you need to reconcile with, and what is a step you can take in that direction?
7. Take time to pray together.
Families with Kids
1. Read Luke 19:1-9 with your family.
2. Explain to your children what a tax collector is, and how their tendency to cheat others out of money caused people to view them negatively.
3. Ask, “Does Zacchaeus sound like someone Jesus would like to spend time with? Why or why not?”
4. Ask everyone to share about a time when they had to ask for forgiveness. How did it feel to be forgiven?
5. Bonus Activity: This week, challenge each person in your family to ask someone new to sit with them at lunch. Once they do so, have them tell you about it. How did it go? What did you learn about them?
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Series Information

Has anyone been wondering, “What is God up to these days?” The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and confusion seem to be only growing all around us. Could God be trying to tell us something? Is there a message that could potentially give us some understanding, clarity, and hope?
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