Finishing Well - Oakville
It’s a hard reality and one that we often don’t want to talk about, but...
It’s a hard reality and one that we often don’t want to talk about, but...
Have you ever been on a flight and heard the attendant say, “In the...
Author David Powlison helps to prepare our hearts for today’s message...
Everyone loves a good story... and the Bible is a good story... but...
We discover that the church is continuing to see great growth as people...
Most Christians and non-Christians don't seem to have a problem with...
"What high school did you go to?" In this community that's a question...
God seems to do things in ways we’d never expect, for example, using...
When was the last time you had a conversation about spiritual things?...
Is anyone “casting stones” at you? Maybe the thought of someone makes...
Happy Father’s Day! Today we set aside some time to say “thanks” to our...
Happy PJ day! This week we continue in our message series titled ACTS...