
Current Series

Live Love & Life

Happy New Year! As we begin 2025, we are kicking off January with our Live, Love & Life message series focusing on three special weekend worship services. 

JANUARY 5 - Living in the LightIt’s Epiphany! “The Light has come” to all the world - The Gentile Christmas

JANUARY 12 - Loving One Another: Pastor Gerard and our Bethlehem family will join us for worship

JANUARY 19 - Life Sunday: We will welcome our community partner, the Pregnancy Help Center of South County


Life is full of twists, turns, and Pivots that often signal a change of direction or a new chapter in our lives. During our six-week Lenten journey on Sunday mornings, we will highlight a number of Pivots in Jesus’ life and discuss what they mean for Christians today.


This is not just Another series. “One Another” is a repeated expression in the New Testament, describing a culture where God’s people are to be connected to one Another in ways the world has not seen.

Family Traditions

Midweek Advent worship will be only online this year, focusing on Family Traditions. For three Wednesdays, beginning December 2 at 7 pm, services will include a time of worship and message highlighting the meaning beyond the traditions of putting up Christmas lights, the Christmas tree, and the practice of gift-giving.


Our weekend worship and messages during December will center around the historic tradition, Christmas Carols. The Carols have been a staple of the Advent/Christmas season for hundreds of years, bringing joyful, familiar lyrics and tunes that often conjure up memories of Christmases from the past.

Love God

FAITH COLUMBIA: The greatest commandment ever given is found way back in the book of Deuteronomy 6: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. But what does that look like?

Celebrate Faith

Faith is seventy-five years old in November 2020, and that signals a time to celebrate and give thanks for what the Lord has done and look forward with vision and anticipation at what the Lord has in store for His church for the next seventy-five years.

The Gospel According To

FAITH COLUMBIA: In this series, The Gospel According To___________, we will seek to hear and identify with the Gospel while we uncover, expose, and learn how to combat the false gospels in our life.

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