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Returning with Blessing

Nov 13, 2016 | Pastor John Brunette

Head: Trusting in the One Who Blesses

Malachi 3:6-10


The Psalmist writes: “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103:1) During this message series titled Returning with Blessing, we acknowledge God’s call to bless Him (worship and praise) with all that we are - our hearts, hands, heads, and feet. Today Pastor John focuses on discovering what it means to bless the Lord with faith-filled generosity. Learning to release our money and to trust that God will provide is a big step of faith for many of us. Yes, it will mean a change of “mind” (the head) for souls that are filled with doubt. May the Holy Spirit increase our faith to believe and act this day!


Series Information

We are moving into year three of our Beyond Blessed journey. Let’s discover the benefits and blessings in turning back to God with hearts that are hungry to Bless the Lord.