
Root Your Life In Jesus

Beyond a program, seminar, or bible study, Rooted is a catalyst for life change. Rooted inspires questions and conversations, teaches seven key rhythms, and allows for impactful group experiences designed to help you find yourself in God’s story. You will begin to see God in new ways and hear His voice in surprising places. By rooting ourselves in God’s Word and His truths, we have a firm foundation on which we love the world. Through this experience, we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus.

Adult Group Meeting Times:
• Sundays: 9 - 10:30 am (childcare available)
• Wednesdays: 6:30 - 8 pm (childcare available)
• Men’s Group Mondays: 6:30 - 8 pm

Rooted Celebration
• Wednesday, May 21, at 6:30 pm




Become a disciple

Rooted is an important step for those interested in connecting at Faith. It is an interactive 10-week journey in which groups gather weekly to talk about what God has been revealing to each member through weekly readings, journal entries, and prayer. You will take part in a prayer experience and a serve experience specific to your group. You'll discover your spiritual gifts and tackle some tough questions. Participants will also learn from one another as the Holy Spirit works to comfort, encourage, and guide each person. Rooted is a necessary step for those who wish to become a Faith member or to be a leader at Faith.