The weekly readings will coordinate with Sunday’s messages throughout this series, April - October. Download the Faith Oakville App and simply select the Reading Plan tab to follow along with the weekly verses. Or pick up a printed copy on a Sunday morning available in the lobby at Faith or download it now and print it for yourself to keep track of your progress.



The book of Romans begins with these words: “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the Gospel... to those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints.” (Romans 1:1,7) This book would become the most significant piece of literature the Lord would ever commission His most prolific evangelist, the Apostle Paul, to write. Paul would never realize the impact it would have throughout the centuries to come.
In the Romans message series, we will enter into a 30-week journey moving through chapter by chapter, verse by verse reflection, and study of Paul’s work given to him through the Holy Spirit.



6101 Telegraph Rd., Saint Louis, MO US 63129| Map It | 314.846.8612|info@faithstl.org