Follow Jesus with Purpose

What would the Body of Jesus Christ – the Christian Church – look like if every believer took Jesus’ words, the ones written in red letters in Bibles, and put them into practice? That could change not just the followers of Jesus but also the world in which we live.





Discover the 5 Main Targets of Discipleship


From January 26 - March 2, we'll take the Red Letter Challenge together as a church. Adults, students, and kids will all participate with practical, age-appropriate daily challenges, and Sunday messages will also focus on another Red Letter theme right from Jesus’ lips. Together, we'll highlight five areas of following Jesus and work together to discover what it means to be, forgive, serve, give, and go as a church called Faith Oakville.

The Red Letter Challenge includes:

• Weekly messages from pastors on Sundays, introducing key concepts and practices from the book.
• Red Letter Challenge books provide daily reading assignments. Books for individuals can be picked up in the lobby. Groups will receive books at their first meeting.
• Faith Kids will participate on Sunday mornings, with books handed out at drop-off or pick-up. Daily challenges for kids at home will reinforce the weekly lessons.
• Faith Students will engage in the Red Letter Challenge through their Life Groups. For more information on joining a student group, email .



Not only are we encouraging every Life Group to join in, but we are also providing opportunities for those of you not presently in a group to join an already existing group or form a new Red Letter Life Group with new facilitators. Different dates and times will be offered as well. If you are not already in a group and would like to join a Red Letter Life Group, let us know your availability by completing the form below, and we'll connect you to a group. 

Find a Red Letter Life Group


 Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Matthew 7:24

Life Group Leader Resources