Mission & Vision

Who We Are


Our mission

to SEe people Connecting people to the extraordinary life found in Jesus - one person, one family, one community at a time.

Jesus said in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” We believe that Jesus brought new life for all and that the only way to experience this new life is through Him. This means we want to connect people to Jesus so they too can experience a new, abundant, extraordinary life.

Our VIsion

We see generations transformed by the gospel as disciples are multiplied in our homes, community, and beyond by joining Jesus on mission where we live, work, learn, and play.

That’s a big vision statement, but we believe this is the future for God’s people. Jesus calls us His disciples. At Faith, we define a disciple as someone who gets the life of Christ, experiences the life of Christ with others, and obeys Jesus' command to give the life away. 


We desire that everyone be transformed by the Gospel. We start and end with Jesus and His Word. We place relationship before ritual in worship and daily life.


Our lives, homes, and Life Groups are always open. We want our spaces to be the most relevant, fun, and welcoming places in our community. We make room for someone to "come and experience."


Being Givers vs. takers

We seek to bless others and partner with those who do.
We believe every Life Group should strive to model generosity, care, and concern for one another. We challenge each other to take the next step on our giving journey.

Taking the next step

We continually invite people to connect with a group to get started. We seek to replace ourselves on every level by identifying and training future leaders. We are sent by the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Jesus Christ.