Current Series
Advent 2021
All I want for Christmas
What do you want for Christmas? Depending on the season of life, people can answer this question very differently. Now, what about this question... “What do you NEED for Christmas?” Different answer probably. Our wants are often very different from our needs. Wants can actually even blind us to our true needs.
Thanksgiving 2021
Throughout the Scriptures, we see the principle of “Firsts”. In this series, we are challenged to search our hearts to discern that really holds first place.
Romans - Part 2
FAITH COLUMBIA: Romans is powerful, life-changing, and profound. We’ve begun our deep dive into Romans and discovered just how bad sin is and how it has corrupted us. We’ve seen how far from God we really are. But in part 2 of our Romans journey, we make a turn. We begin to uncover God’s response to our sinful and broken state. We catch a glimpse of the power and beauty of the Good News for all people. In this section, we will cover chapters 4 and 5 as we look at God’s response to our problem.
It's Time for a Check-Up
Anger, rage, bitterness, fear, anxiety, grief, and a host of other emotional health issues have increased to levels that have people shaking their heads in confusion. In this series titled It's Time for a Check-Up, we are taking time to do some evaluation and understand how the good news of the Gospel can break through to bring healing.
Gotta Have Jesus
Romans - Part I
FAITH COLUMBIA: One book in the New Testament is credited for turning the soul of Augustine “upside-down.” The same book warmed the heart of John Wesley towards conversion. The very same book also turned a German monk, Martin Luther, from searching for assurance of his salvation to confidently declaring, “When I understood this text, the doors of paradise swung open, and I walked through.” This powerful, life-changing and profound book has been nicknamed “The Gospel According to Paul” but is better known as simply the book of Romans. Together we’re going to dig deep into Romans and mine out this beautiful letter that shows us the power and beauty of the Good News for all people. In this first series of three over the next couple years, we’ll focus on the gravity of sin and the depth of our declared righteousness in Jesus.
At the Musicals - Oakville
In this series, our focus is on movie musicals - five of them to be exact. At the Musicals will highlight The Greatest Showman, The Wizard of Oz, Beauty and the Beast, Frozen, and Les Miserable. See you At the Movies!
At the Musicals - Columbia
FAITH COLUMBIA: It’s time for the greatest message series of the year – At the Musicals – where we look to some of the most popular musicals over the years and, through their illustrations, learn more about the Good News of Jesus and who we are because of Him.
FAITH COLUMBIA: What is the Sabbath? If we know anything, the majority of us know the Sabbath of something Jews do, or we reference it in with our weekly worship attendance. “God made sabbath for man,” these words of Jesus point us to the reality that sabbath is not a set of rules that we follow or even something that we MUST do, instead it’s a gift from God for man. Join us over the next 4 weeks as Pastor Jon shares his personal journey of sabbath, and we learn more about the amazing gift of God while being challenged to pursue sabbath in our own lives.