
Partnering With Parents


Faith Kids is for kids ages 6 months through 5th grade. As kids grow, we want them to learn about the extraordinary life found in Jesus! Our mission is to walk alongside parents as they connect kids to the extraordinary life found in Jesus, by teaching Biblical truths within a community of Christian friends and mentors. The first time your family comes to Faith, meet us at Faith Kids Check-In and we will help you register your child and find your way to the kids' rooms.

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JUNE 9-13

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Serve with Faith Kids

If you have a passion for helping kids grow closer to Jesus, you can serve with Faith Kids on Sunday mornings. We also have plenty of opportunities for you to serve at Faith's annual Vacation Bible School. Whether you enjoy leading crafts, helping with games, or singing and dancing, there are opportunities for everyone!



We support kids from ages birth to 5th grade. As kids grow, we want them to learn about the extraordinary life found in Jesus! Our mission is to walk alongside parents as they connect kids to the extraordinary life found in Jesus, by teaching Biblical truths within a community of Christian friends and mentors.


Faith provides resources and kid-friendly spaces to accommodate each family’s unique needs. Our hope is that these resources provide a way for all Faith families to worship together every Sunday.

Nursery care is available Sunday mornings from 8:45 - 11:30 am. Parents can drop off and pick up in the nursery any time but must remain on campus. Check in kids at the check-in station located in the lobby.

New Moms Room
A warm and welcoming space for new moms to be comfortable and have privacy while staying connected to worship.

Parents Room
A parents room is located near the worship center for parents and kids to watch and hear the worship service. Our Hospitality Team members will be happy to show you where our parents room is located.

FAITH KIDS HOUR - 9 am (Drop off before worship)

At Faith Kids Hour, our PreK-5th Grade students learn how God works in and through His people by focusing on the true stories we find in His Word. Kids will connect with God through His Word, connect with leaders and peers through conversation and activities, and connect with our community through service and offerings.

Check kids in at the check-in station located in the lobby and bring them to their classrooms. Leaders will be in the room about 10 minutes before 9 am so adults can get into the worship service. Make sure they have the nametag on that you received. After worship, they can be picked up in their classrooms with your corresponding security tag.

Pick Up Locations:
PreK: B05/B07
Kindergarten - 1st grade: B11/B13
2nd - 3rd grade: B10/12
4th - 5th grade: B06/B08

FAITH KIDS CHURCH - 10:30 am (dismissed during worship)

At Kids Church, our PreK-5th Grade students will be dismissed during worship before the message.

Check kids in at the check-in station located in the lobby and bring them into the worship center with you at 10:30 am. Make sure they have the nametag on that you received. After worship, they can be picked up in their classrooms with your corresponding security tag.

Pick Up Locations:
PreK: B05/B07
Kindergarten - 1st grade: B11/B13
2nd - 3rd grade: B10/12
4th - 5th grade: B06/B08

Calming Corner - 10:30 am

Our Calming Corner is an inclusive space within Faith Kids where any child can decompress, unwind, and regulate under the loving care of servant volunteers. The goal of the Calming Corner is to bring the gospel to all kids and create an inclusive space for special needs families.



Faith provides resources and kid-friendly spaces to accommodate each family’s unique needs. Our hope is that these resources provide a way for all Faith families to worship together every Sunday.

Nursery care is available Sunday mornings from 8:45 am – Noon. Parents can drop off and pick up in the Nursery any time, but must remain on campus. Check in children at the check-in station located at the front of the Faith Kids hallway.

Parents Room
A parents room is located at the back of the worship center for parents and children to watch and hear the worship service. Parents can access the nursery from the parents room as well.


Check kids in at the check-in station located in the Faith Kids area. Families start out in the worship center together. Faith Kids will be released before the message begins, or kids may remain in the worship service with their families. Pick up your kids in the Faith Kids area.





Here at Faith, Vacation Bible School is one of the most wonderful weeks of the year! Kids ages 4 years – completed 5th grade are welcome as we learn about God’s love for us through worship, skits, games, and more. We have plenty of awesome opportunities for students who have completed 6th grade or higher and adults to serve at VBS as well.





There are many more ways for kids and families to get connected at Faith Oakville.
• Kids sing on Palm Sunday
• Family Mission Trips
• Kids Christmas Program
• Seasonal events such as movie nights and fall festivals

KIDS Discipleship Pathway

KIDS Milestones


We believe that baptism was commanded and instituted by Jesus for all people. In baptism, through the combination of water, God’s Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given a means of grace. We believe that through baptism God gives people the gifts that Jesus achieved through His life, namely victory over suffering, death, and the devil, and the gift of the resurrection.


These celebrations occur three times between birth and three years of age. Children are presented with gifts that encourage growth in their faith, and parents are offered prayers and support.


We want kids to have access to God’s Word in a way that is easy for them to understand. At the beginning of each school year, our four- year-old preschool students receive The Story for Little Ones, which is a storybook style presentation of the Bible.


At the beginning of each school year, we present our third grade students with Adventure Bibles which use the NIRV translation that is recommended for elementary age children as they grow in their understanding of God’s love for them and His plan for their lives.


Safety Procedures

Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for all kids and volunteers. Before serving, all Faith Kids volunteers, ages 18 and over, are required to have a clear background check report. This includes, but is not limited to, the National Criminal Database, County Criminal records, and the National Sex Offender Registry. Additionally, all Faith Kids volunteers are trained in emergency procedures.