
Current Series

Red Letter Challenge

What would the Body of Jesus Christ – the Christian Church – look like if every believer would take Jesus’ words, the ones that are written in red letters in Bibles, and actually put them into practice? That’s a very unoriginal idea or question that could change not just the followers of Jesus Christ but also the world in which we live. Highlighting five areas of following Jesus, we will move together in discovering what it means to be, forgive, serve, give, and go as a church called Faith, Oakville.

Invitational Life

More than seven billion people inhabit the earth today. Millions, if not billions, of us are looking for a place to belong. People yearn for meaningful connection with others. We long for an invitation to be part of something more.

Letting Go of Fear

Do not be afraid! This is commanded by God 365 times in the Bible, but many people are still living in fear. Fear began when Adam and Eve first sinned in the garden and has now become a ruling “god” for so many who are under its grip.

You Asked For It

A few months ago, we asked you what topics you would like to hear about on Sunday mornings. You responded with more topics than we could address in one message series; but we chose five of the most requested to cover in this series...

At The Movies: Remade

What is it about movies that captivates you, that draws you in, and makes you want to enter into the world it creates? As a church we think movies are one of the places that our culture finds it’s pack, escapes to a whole new world, and is reminded of many of the “good things” of life. 

Story Time

Jesus was a master storyteller. He used simple word pictures, in what we call parables, to teach profound spiritual lessons. The stories He told spoke of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, persistence in prayer, humility, being ready for Christ’s return, handling God’s resources, and receiving God’s love, as well as many other topics.

My Story of Questioning Christianity

We are all encouraged to share our faith story with others, so during this message Pastor Chris is sharing his story of questioning Christianity. Although his journey led him to a vocation as a pastor, his story is probably not all that different from yours. 

This is War

Do you know how Satan tries to destroy you? Do you know his strategy, his methods, his limitations, and your defenses? How can we practically experience the victory already earned for us through Christ’s death and resurrection?

The Lord’s Prayer

It’s one of the most popular prayers ever spoken. It’s called “The Lord’s Prayer”, but it could also be called “The Disciples’ Prayer” because it’s a prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray. But what does this prayer ask for?


Water is vital to our existence. Without water you will die. Too much water can also hurt or even kill you. Water is powerful! During this series, we’ll take a look at some of the moments in scripture where water played a key role in how God communicated His message to the world.

We Are

What is it about Faith Lutheran Church that makes us unique? Why do we do what we do as a church? In other words, what is our motivational flame or shared conviction? The answers to these questions describe what we highly VALUE
